I have just returned from one month in Japan preaching at a series of Keswick Christian Life Conventions. This was my ninth trip to Japan since 2008. Five times I have spoken in the annual Keswick Christian Life Conventions. The additional four times I have been involved with Dr. Horiuchi and Grace Mission Ministries in Osaka. This ministry has also taken me to South Korea, Hiroshima, and Sapporo.
In February I preached in Okinawa, Kyushu, Sendai, Osaka, Kobe, Forest Park (near Tokyo) and Tokyo (Yodobashi Church.) Seven conventions and twenty-five sermons. My colleague in Osaka and Tokyo was Ian Coffey from Moorsland College in England. Ian and Ruth were a joy to serve with.
God has given Japan a special place in my heart. I am honored to have the opportunity to preach the word in the Keswick Christian Life Conventions.